12 June, 2015
The Public opinion research about location of thesocial-educative media project “Etaloni” into the TV broadcast
The research was held on the base of partnership between the social-educative media-project “Etaloni”, “Human, Law, Freedom” and the research company “PR Consulting Group” (PRCG).
12457 respondents were interviewed, wherefrom 9954 were pupils. 64 municipalities of Georgia represented the pollarea.
On a question “Do you want to participate in the social-educative media-project “Etaloni”” 85.5% expressed consent,5.5% expressed refusal, 4.3% did not know the answer and 4.6% had difficulty to answer.
As for the age groups, 80.1% were 15-17 years old respondents, 86.1% from them said, they would participate in the “Etaloni”, 4.5% expressed refusal, 5.2% did not know the answer and 4.2% had difficulty to answer.
On a question “which one of the below listed channels should broadcast the social-educative media-project “Etaloni””– 49.7% named the “Public Channel”, 21.0% - “Rustavi-2”, 18.3% - “Imedi”, 3.8% - GDS, 1.6% - “Maestro”, 0.7% - thePatriarchy Television “Ertsulovneba”, 0.5% - “Objective”, 0.2% - “Adjara”, 4.0% has difficulties to give the answer.